Tuesday, 26 June 2018

How to make a Carry Cot or Carrier Bed for a Mini Baby Doll

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a little bed for a mini baby doll.  Here in the UK, we call this a carry cot.  However, I'm told this is not a term that is used in the US and to call it a "baby doll carrier bed" may be more appropriate.

The fabric sizes given here will result in a carry cot to fit the Little Baby Doll from Wilkinsons in the UK (sadly now discontinued). These sweet dolls measure 6 ¾ - 7 inches (17 - 18 cm) from head to toe.  

This size also fits the 7" baby doll from Dollar Tree which is available in two variants - Caucasian and African American (also now discontinued).

If you want to make one for a different sized doll, please scroll to the bottom of the post to see how to alter the pattern.  The figures in the square brackets [ ] refer to that section.

If you use this, or any of our patterns, we'd love to see photos of what you make. You can send them to craftingforshoeboxes[at]gmail[dot]com or post them on our Facebook page.  Happiness is handmade.

I was inspired to make this by Stevie's original knitting pattern which is available here.

This lovely carry cot was made by one of our members, Jean.  She also crocheted the little bear nestled inside it.

And here's Samara's version - isn't it pretty?

Katherine made this sweet little bed for one of the Dollar Tree baby dolls.  As you can see, she fits perfectly inside without having to make any adjustment to the pattern.

Carrier Bed for a Dollar Tree baby doll

Linda made this lovely bed for a tiny doll who is only 1.5 inches long. Great job Linda!